Today is the National May 1st Movement for Worker and Immigrant Rights. Visit the Mayday Movement Blogspot to find out more about events going on around California, Arizona, Nevada, Tijuana among other places.
The movement calls for a "Great American Boycott": NO economic activity, NO shopping, NO work and NO school for immigrants and their children, to show "what a day without immigrants in the economy signifies."
This can be considered a fight for human rights, but it is also more personal than that. It's a fight to keep families together. Children born in the U.S. are marching for the security of having their parents by their side. Immigrant parents are fighting for the right to raise their kids in peace in a country with which they've built a mutually beneficial relationship. Below is a photo from today's New York Times article of a father and a son whose mother was deported to Honduras two weeks ago in the early hours of the morning.

It's not easy to know exactly what to do, but what not to do--such as sudden deportation and raids--should be easy for public officials to figure out by now. For my thoughts on 21st century global immigration and to read other papers discussing various global health issues, check out our collection of essays on Emerging Trends in Global Health.
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